International and cross-border Interim Management

Nordic Interim is a Copenhagen-based Interim Service Provider and offers one of the leading services within international and cross-border Interim Management.

Get a top-qualified candidate with international experience within ten days
Are you looking for a highly skilled leader or specialist with the proper skill-set to see through a major change in the organisation? A cross-border Interim Manager with a proven track record that has successfully dealt with the same type of task before?

“Nordic Interim har gennemført over 1.000 succesfulde Interim-projekter som den ældste Interim-leverandør i landet.”

Secure short term stability and succes with a highly competent Interim Manager with international experience
Larger organizations expecting high performance of their employees can obtain immediate results with a cross-border Interim Manager. It can be difficult to facilitate short-term occupation, but with Nordic Interim you will have three properly qualified candidates within 10 days.

Since 2000, Nordic Interim has provided more than 1.000 highly qualified candidates. With the entire organisation being sculpted around facilitating high performance we understand the needs of a modern business.

Thousands of international leaders and specialists
Since the beginning of the millennium, Nordic Interim have gathered a vast database containing more than 8.000 managers and specialists. Hundreds of large corporations from around the world have been linked up with a qualified Interim Manager that has successfully carried through the projects at hand.

Portfolio of top cross-border Interim Manager candidates with international experience through Valtus Alliance
Nordic Interim is one of the three leading ISP’s in the Scandinavian market and through Valtus Alliance we are able to acquire top candidates from all over the world. Whether you need an Interim Manager in a country outside of – or for – Scandinavia, Nordic Interim will be able to find three highly qualified candidates within 10 days.

As the only Interim Service Provider in Denmark that is a member of the international network Valtus Alliance, Nordic Interim is able to guarantee that you can get the perfect cross-border Interim Manager candidate who had success with similar projects in the past. No matter where in the world your challenge is.